Introduction to sustainable energy systems
Sustainable or renewable energy is energy that has been made without using up supplies of fossil fuels. It can be continuously made for ever and will never run out.
Examples are solar, wind, water (hydro, wave or tidal) and wood (biomass).
Usually this energy is made with absolutely minimal pollution or impact on the earth and thus is extremely environmentally friendly. Given the fact that the earth WILL eventually run out of polluting fossil fuels and that nuclear power is so environmentally dangerous, it seems highly likely that it is only a matter of time before the whole world will be exclusively running on renewable energy…
Many people already know this (all too well) and want to make a contribution to working towards renewables now by investing in a proper domestic system at home. SUSTAINERGY have helped hundreds of normal householders find a system that is most suitable for them and work out whether it is feasable (both technically and economically) on their particular site (roof, garden or field etc).
In the past people have spent many years working towards such a project due to various obstacles – planning, financial, access, lack of information etc. However nowadays with better prices, accommodating planning offices and accepted use installing a renewable system at home or on the farm has never been easier. We endeavour to ensure that once you have decided upon a system we will have it installed and commissioned within 3 weeks of order.
Our customers vary from urban house-owners to rural small-holders, from local councils to large farms, from campervans to country mansions – everyone and every site has the potential for harnessing renewable energy and we can tell you which sort is most suitable.
Cost is the most important consideration, and the cost of Solar PV has dropped enormously over the last 10 years, making it viable even without selling it back to the grid.
Each year your ‘homegrown’ green energy earns you an income by reducing your electricity bill by a certain amount of money and optionally exporting back to the grid. Payback is the number of years it takes for you to recoup your initial investment and start gaining, financially.